• Housing and Equipment

    Housing Different people have different expectations about how freely they want their dogs to roam in their homes day and night. Whether you choose to allow you dog on the furniture, sleep in bed with a family member or have access to all areas of your home, it is still important that you keep a crate

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cat Bed and Bedding Carrier Litterbox and Litter Scratching Post Cat Bed and Bedding Even if you plan to allow your pet to sleep on your bed or any other soft surfaces in your home, you need to set up a dry, warm place that is just for your cat. Bring home a cat bed that has one, lower side

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Lining Your Cage Perches Toys Cages A bird's size is the most important determinant for the right cage. The cage needs to offer enough room for your pet bird to at least spread its wings freely and hop around inside. Figure a width of double the bird's wingspan. The bars must be smaller

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Enclosures Heating Lighting Enclosures It's worth committing a lot of attention to creating the perfect home for your amphibian or reptile to ensure its safety and because they are great hiders when they escape! Key determinants for how to house your species are its adult size, activity level and

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Bedding/Substrates Hide/Sleeping Box Toys and Activities Carrier Cages Choosing the right cage is important to make sure your pet has the space and components it needs to create a satisfying home. It is important for creating the microenvironment small animals need for optimum comfort

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  • Housing and Equipment

    Cages Litterbox Exercise Area Toys Cages Rabbits have strong legs meant for active living, such as running and jumping and are very social creatures. That is why they need daily exercise. They also need a cage with room to maneuver placed in a location around household activity. At a minimum,

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  • Kitten Care

    When kittens are born, they are completely dependent on their mothers. They don't have any vision or hearing until between two and five weeks. At one month old, kittens learn to walk, run, jump and play by observing their mother and interacting with their litter mates. By the time kittens reach three

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  • Pet Loss

    The end of a pet's life can be one of the most difficult and emotional responsibilities associated with pet ownership, whether the animal dies of old age, an illness or an accident. All pet owners know that, at some point, their pet is going to die. But the reality is always harder than anything imagined,

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